Føler du dig fysisk drænet, emotionelt eller mental blokeret? Lever du med angst eller symptomer af stress?

En process af terapeutisk kropsbehandling fokuserer på en holistisk tilgang til mennesket og integrerer den somatiske oplevelse af stress, angst eller andre følelsesmæssige eller mentale udfordringer.

Når vi har kroppen med forankres forandring meget dybere. Vi arbejder på at identificere det der står i vejen for det du ønsker, og på at frisætte dine helt unikke resourcer, energi og styrker frem imod at skabe en varig forandring.


I et personligt online coachingprogram - af en måneds varing med fire møder - arbejder vi sikkert og effektivt med din vejrtrækning, som et redskab til at lindre stress, angst, balancere energi, navigere følelser, forbedre et mentalt fokus, din restitution, fordøjelse og søvn.

På bare 3 minutter kan du, via din vejrtrækning, påvirke dit nerversystem, hvilket gør en positiv kontrol over din vejrtrækning til den absolut mest effektive metode til selvregulering.

Vi arbejder på at balancere dit nervesystem, opbygge din resiliens og skabe klarhed og overskud til at navigere i en hverdag med mange krav i balance med dig selv.

Book en gratis prøvesession - en 20 minutters introduktion og afklaring af din situation.



"I strongly recommend this couse and especially Signe herself!  I can't speak warmly enough of her unique energy, empathetic and pedagogical approach. Because this technique might be ancient, but Signe's touch is what made it really work for me!


I have had stress related issues in the past that resulted in major health issues. So when I recently was recruited into a new role, my joy and excitement was also shadowed by my fear of not being able to handle stress and pressure. A feeling which in itself caused me to feel stress. At this moment I heard of Signes practice and specifically the course around breathwork. When she offered me a free discovery session, I gave it a go. And it just had such a strong impact on me from the very first moment I immediately decided to sign up for the whole series. Signe's physical presence and calm voice transcends the screen and instilled peace, focus and a calm awareness in me. The techniques are simple and you can do them anywhere; on a chair, in bed, standing in line, in the office etc.


What really impressed me was how effective it is. It literally shifts your mindset and/or energy level in 2-5 minutes. but it's one thing to follow a guide and another to make it stick as a habit. Signe gave me small tasks during the week and checked in to hear how it was going and made adjustments to fit my needs even better. This course gave me a fantastic tool that I always carry with me, a tool to connect to my inner strength and focus."


The breathing coaching of Signe has opened a new dimension for me. I was passing through a very dark time in my life and I was really looking for an alternative way to solve my anxiety issues. I was struggling with sleeping, focusing, working or just living my normal daily routine, and the breath practice of Signe just taught me the incredible power of healing. Thanks to Signes unique guidance, I finally manage to build up resilience and learn a better approach to manage my stress and feeling of pressure of the unknown. As a mover, I was very surprised to learn how to work bodily through anxiety: I discovered such concrete feelings, temperature and qualities I did not know I was able to perceive. Signe gave me a very specific treat, finding all the possible tools that could help my particular case and also supporting my worries and fears throughout the process. Finally, with her instruction I brought to light a new way to communicate and deal with myself. I would recommend forever her approach and I will definitely come back if I ever struggle again finding a space for peace in my soul.


It is not the first time in my life, that Signe had the best timing offering her work. Right in a moment where I needed it the most. After the first breathing session with Signe, I felt euphoric and released from deep stress. The day after I caught myself singing, I felt strong and was fulfilled with happiness. As I am going through an important and tough time in my life, the different breathing techniques Signe teaches me, are wonderful tools I can integrate in my everyday life, to help me handle my emotions and my fears. It helps me to go on, to stay focused and to stay in the present moment and not be overwhelmed by an unsure nearby future of mine. I can deeply recommend connecting and breathing with Signe and I am very grateful about her work. She is a wonderful person with a golden soul and golden hands.



"The four weeks of breathing coaching with Signe was one of the best things I tried all year. I practiced different forms of breathing exercises in the past but the ones Signe tought me, and the way she tought me, made the exercises an integral part of my routine, and I still practice them daily. Since the beginning of my breathing coaching I achieved a much better focus in iife and a greater sense of serenity. I also managed to begin things I was wanting to undertake for a long time, such as returning to exercise and changing my diet. Signe was very thorough in her teaching, and provided a very strong basis for my pratice at home, serving all the tools for performing the exercises accurately. Since undertaking the breathing coaching I have more joy, focus, and balance in my life and I totally recomend everone to give this form of exercise a try"


"Die Atemtherapie mit Signe hat mir geholfen mich auf mich und meinen eigenen Körper zu fokussieren. Das Atmen bringt dich zurück zum ur-eigenen, zu dem was du mitbringst. Mich haben die Sessions mit Signe sowie die Anleitungen für zuhause wieder mehr mit mir selber verbunden und mich geerdet. Es fühlte sich an, als ob ich etwas entdecke, das ich vergessen habe: meinen Atem, die Luft um mich herum und in mir drin! Noch jetzt, wenn ich in meinem Alltag eine stressige Situation habe, greife ich auf das Atmen zurück - auf das, was in mir steckt und kann mich so aus mir selber heraus ausbalancieren und Energie oder Ruhe gewinnen."



  • Restituerer og genopbygger
  • Virker proaktivt på stressrelaterede problemer
  • Reducerer stivhed og spændinger i kroppen
  • Forbedrer søvn, fordøjelse og koncentration
  • Forbedrer din kropsbevidsthed og personlige tilstedeværelse

SLOW TO FLOW (BBB 1:1 og holdtræning)

Lige som vi er tiltrukket af kraftfuld energi har kroppen også brug for ro og restitution. SLOW TO FLOW er en regulerende somatisk måttetræning og nærhedspraksis, som arbejder frem mod en afbalanceret stærk, mobil og smidig krop samt et afbalanceret sind.

Her tilstræbes at skabe balance mellem aktivitet og hvile, og består af dels dynamiske øvelser der øger din styrke, bevægelighed og balance. Og dels regulerende vejrtræknings øvelser, som stimulerer dit nervesystem, styrker din koncentration og indre ro.